Restaurant Reviews from
    Top : United_States: WA: Lacey

Ricardo's Restaurant, Lacey, Washington

Ricardo's Restaurant
5211 Lacey Blvd SE
Lacey WA United States

Fine Italian dining for families, businesses, or even singles - can accommodate individual seating through business meetings. Lunch and dinner menu, restaurant will try to accommodate customer's needs.

Web Information:
Web Page

Price Range: $30.01 - $50
Phone: 360.413.9995
Accepts: bank debit cards, American Express, checks, Visa, Diners' Club, Discover, Carte Blanche, gift certificates

Smoking: not permitted

Alcohol: wine / beer

Dress: casual

Reservations: recommended

Parking: public transit accessible, own parking lot

Accessibility: completely
(While no large print menu is available, there are reading glasses hanging on the wall available to those that may need them - a very 'cute' display, too.)