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    Top : United_States: OH: Lancaster

Woody's Bar and Grille, Lancaster, Ohio

Woody's Bar & Grille
1147 N. Memorial Drive (Rt 33)
Lancaster OH United States

Woody's Bar & Grille offers casual dining and bar with a versatile menu, not a typical "bar food" menu. The atmosphere is filled with nostalgia of the name "Woody", from OSU Coash Woody Hayes, to animated character Woody Woodpecker. It is a family-oriented establishment with a reasonably priced menu.

Price Range: $5.01 - $15
Phone: 740.653.2232
Accepts: bank debit cards, Visa, MasterCard/Eurocard

Smoking: section

Alcohol: full bar

Dress: casual

Reservations: large groups only

Parking: own parking lot

Accessibility: partially