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    Top : United_States: MS: Grenada

Scott's Crossroads Steak and Catfish, Grenada, Mississippi

Scott's Crossroads Steak and Catfish
4490 Highway 7 N
Grenada MS United States

The food is the highlight at Scott's Crossroads. Their building is trimmed in corrugated metal with wood trim inside, with spartan decór and plain concrete floors. This simple eatery features a nightly seafood buffet with a selection of catfish, frog legs, shrimp several ways and several kinds of veggies. The restaurant is located at the intersection of MS Highway 7, MS Scenic Loop Highway 33 and County Road 156 just north of town, adjacent to Scott's Crossroads gas station and grocery.

Price Range: $5.01 - $15
Hours: thurs-sat 4pm-10pm

Phone: 662.226.2322
Accepts: Visa, MasterCard/Eurocard, Discover

Smoking: not permitted

Alcohol: no alcohol served

Dress: casual

Parking: own parking lot

Accessibility: completely