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Petit Robert Bistro, Boston, Massachusetts

Petit Robert Bistro
468 Commonwealth Ave
Boston MA United States

Chef Jacky Robert, formerly of the late Maison Robert, opened this casual French bistro in the spring of 2005. The main dining room is down several steps from street level, but there are large windows in front. The open kitchen occupies the rear of the restaurant. A second dining room and the pastry bar occupy the lower level.

Web Information:
Web Page

Price Range: $15.01 - $30
Hours: Daily: 11am-11pm

Phone: 617.375.0699
Accepts: American Express, Visa, MasterCard/Eurocard

Smoking: not permitted

Alcohol: wine / beer

Dress: casual

Parking: street parking, public transit accessible

Accessibility: partially
(Wheelchair access from the rear. Main dining room is down several steps from street level. Bathroom, dessert bar, and one dining room are down a full flight of stairs.)