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    Top : United_States: CA: San_Diego

Stir Krazy, San Diego, California

Stir Krazy
17120 Bernardo Center Dr.
San Diego CA United States

Located in Rancho Bernardo's Park Terrace (next to the library), Stir Krazy is a large, spacious restaurant serving all-you-can-eat Mongolian BBQ's. You pick the ingredients, they cook them. They also serve appetizers, soup, and dessert to compliment the BBQ.

Web Information:
Web Page

Price Range: $5.01 - $15
Hours: 11:00 AM - 3:30 PM, 4:30 PM - 9:00 PM daily

Phone: 858.385.0020
Accepts: American Express, Visa, MasterCard/Eurocard

Smoking: not permitted

Alcohol: wine / beer

Dress: casual

Parking: own parking lot

Accessibility: completely